Release of OMERO.server 5.6.3

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Today we are releasing OMERO.server 5.6.3 which uses OMERO.blitz 5.5.8 to expand the OMERO API’s Duplicate functionality to allow the duplication of images, attachments, and other model objects that are backed by files on disk. Where possible, duplicated files are linked with originals to save space on underlying storage. As described in our introductory documentation, this long-awaited ability to create a “deep copy” of microscopy data can be invoked via the OMERO.cli duplicate plugin, available from PyPI; if you already use omero-cli-duplicate then we suggest upgrading to at least 0.4.0.

When managing images in the tree view, users could already link images into multiple datasets in the same group. This new feature goes further in allowing users to create a duplicate of an image that is truly independent of the original. We hope that it significantly benefits users who are collaborating with other groups and publishing data to the wider community.

OMERO.server 5.6.3 runs in the same deployment environments as OMERO.server 5.6.0. It has been tested with 5.8.1 and OMERO.web 5.8.1 which are available from PyPI. The Bio-Formats Memoizer cache will not be invalidated on upgrade from OMERO.server 5.6.2.

Installing the Software:

For full details of the changes with the OMERO 5.6 series see the OMERO 5.6.0 release announcement. Full documentation for this release is available under

This release has been tested with 5.8.1 and OMERO.web 5.8.1 so we recommend that you upgrade and OMERO.web to at least 5.8.1 on both server and web deployments.

Official Docker images are available as usual on Docker Hub with either the latest or the 5.6 tag:

You are invited to discuss this announcement on the forum.

All the best with your upgrades,

The OME Team

October 1, 2020

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