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OMERO.Webclient functionality

PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:16 am
by nigelah

We are currently looking at rolling out OMERO for our lab users - our users are located all over the place at our university. The problem we have with installing client tools is that they must be updated on everyones computer at the same time that we update OMERO server whenever a new version is released. Therefore, we like idea of our users using the webclient. However after an evaluation there are a number of missing functions from the webclient that exist within the client tools, i.e. ability to import images, ability to create and assign protocols, create a project etc. Does anyone have any suggestions on an approach to overcome this?

Thanks, Nigel.

Re: OMERO.Webclient functionality

PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:05 pm
by jrswedlow
Hi Nigel-

Thanks for the feedback, we really appreciate it.

Three points, and the first might not help that much.

1. We understand your desire to use OMERO.web-- makes good sense. OMERO.web's functionality has lagged somewhat, mostly because we've had less time to fully develop it. Using the Java clients for the moment (admittedly with the deployment burden) doesn't commit you to using them forever-- OMERO allows you to use whatever client you want, to talk to a single server installation.

2. Have you considered using Java Web Start? We haven't done it, but others have (notably the Imperial team), and that would allow an easy way to deploy the Java clients.

3. We are definitely aiming to increase the functionality of OMERO.web. Can you give us a full list of what you'd need in place to use OMERO.web. We can compare that with our existing roadmap and priorities and tell you what you can expect and when.

Thanks again.



Re: OMERO.Webclient functionality

PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:49 am
by nigelah
Hi Jason,

Many thanks for the reply.

We will definitely try and go down the Java Quickstart option (though we still need to do some more investigation).

In regards to question 3 we have done a full comparison of all functionality between the OMERO.web and the client tools (using a Mac) and have came up with a gap list. Of the gap list, the functions that we see as important for OMERO.web are:

1) Import Images. I notice there is an icon, but it is not available for users to click on.
2) Create a Protocol template.
3) Assign Protocols to a project, dataset or image.
4) Fill in the Protocols (i.e. define the variables)
4) View the Protocol assigned to a to a project, dataset or image.
5) Create a Project.

Thanks, Nigel.

Re: OMERO.Webclient functionality

PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:47 am
by atarkowska
HI Nigel

Thanks for the feedback. I have a few return comments:

1) Importing images is currently not available on web but we are planning to make it available in the future.
2) Webclient does not support creating and filling in protocols, however you can attache protocols to the Project, Dataset or Image. In order to view the protocol you need to download the file and open it by the OMERO.editor.
3) Definitely you can create project. You need to click on top of the hierarchy (User name in the tree) then click third button from the left -> "New container". On the right hand side form will appear.
