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Re: Importing 'public' images from OMERO5.server to ImageJ

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:13 am
by jmoore
Looking at your diagram, I'm missing how OMERO is started. I.e. how often is `bin/omero admin start` called and on which hosts. Here's a rough checklist of what I think you would need to get this to simply work:
  • a single OMERO master started with `bin/omero admin start`
  • optionally a second OMERO node started with `bin/omero node start`
  • two Blitz services defined in `etc/grid/default.xml`, both of which stay online as long as they have active sessions
  • a single view of PostgreSQL from the 2 Blitz services (i.e. via ssbd3)
If that's the case, then as soon as a user has a session, it will be "sticky" and continue going to that server. This still won't get you load-balancing, for that you will need some type of switch by which heartbeat can choose which server to send users to.

And with respect to the UUIDs, it shouldn't matter how you have OMERO.web, Apache, nor PostgreSQL load-balanced, though PostgreSQL will always have to be available.
