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Loading Embedded Viewer / Authentication?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 3:07 pm
by bbimber

We have a LabKey Server instance (this is a java/tomcat webapp). We have a table of data, showing omero thumbnails (via java client), and when you click the thumbnail is opens an iframe with the embedded omero viewer. This all seems to be working great.

The only minor inconvenience is that the first time the user opens the embedded viewer they are asked to log in. Are there any typical patterns one can use w/ embedded viewers to avoid this? Both applications use the same LDAP server and have a common set of users, FWIW.

Thanks for any help or ideas.

Re: Loading Embedded Viewer / Authentication?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:47 am
by jmoore
bbimber wrote:Hello,

Hi Benamin,

We have a LabKey Server instance (this is a java/tomcat webapp). We have a table of data, showing omero thumbnails (via java client), and when you click the thumbnail is opens an iframe with the embedded omero viewer. This all seems to be working great.

Sounds great.

The only minor inconvenience is that the first time the user opens the embedded viewer they are asked to log in. Are there any typical patterns one can use w/ embedded viewers to avoid this? Both applications use the same LDAP server and have a common set of users, FWIW.

The proper solution here would be to have one of the applications differing to other for authentication/authorization via a single-sign on pattern like oauth. OMERO doesn't yet support this, though as you can imagine there's an open issue.

I only know of LabKey; I've never looked into developing for it myself, so here are some short-term options that I can think of which way or may not be feasible:

  • Perform an action on login to create a session with both systems at the same time.
  • If LabKey keeps the password (which it shouldn't) then re-use it.
  • Store an OMERO session token in the user's configuration for logging in.
  • Teach OMERO how to use LabKey as a password provider such that you can pass some LabKey token to OMERO. (This is basically a custom single-sign on system).

Hope that helps,

Re: Loading Embedded Viewer / Authentication?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 8:31 pm
by bbimber
that makes sense, thanks