Using the new 5.1 graph requests ================================ Migration is required --------------------- OMERO 5.1 introduces a new implementation of :doc:`ObjectGraphs` offered through the API via :javadoc:`Chgrp2 `, :javadoc:`Chown2 `, :javadoc:`Delete2 `, and their superclass :javadoc:`GraphModify2 `. OMERO 5.1.2 adds :javadoc:`Chmod2 `. The legacy request operations :javadoc:`Chgrp `, :javadoc:`Chmod `, :javadoc:`Chown `, :javadoc:`Delete `, and their superclass :javadoc:`GraphModify `, are now deprecated and will be *removed* in OMERO 5.3. *Now* is the time to adjust client code accordingly so that the OME team can fix any regressions before the release of OMERO 5.3. Target objects -------------- For specifying which model objects to operate on, instead of using one request for each object through :javadoc:`GraphModify `'s ``type`` and ``id`` data members, use :javadoc:`GraphModify2 `'s ``targetObjects`` which allows specification of multiple model object classes, each with an unordered list of IDs, all in a single request. To specify a type, no longer use ``/``-delimited paths, but instead just the class name, e.g. ``Image`` instead of ``/Image``. To achieve a root-anchored subgraph operation use :javadoc:`SkipHead ` to wrap your request: for instance, for ``/Image/Pixels/RenderingDef``, set the ``SkipHead`` request's ``targetObjects`` to the image(s), and set ``startFrom`` to ``RenderingDef``. Translating options ------------------- :javadoc:`GraphModify `'s ``options`` data member has its related analog in :javadoc:`GraphModify2 `'s ``childOptions``, an ordered list of :javadoc:`ChildOption ` instances, each of which allows its applicability to annotations to be limited by namespace. Some examples: - To move a dataset with all its images, removing those images from other datasets where necessary, use ``Chgrp2`` with a ``ChildOption``'s ``includeType`` set to ``Image``. - To delete a dataset without deleting any images at all from it, use ``Delete2`` with a ``ChildOption``'s ``excludeType`` set to ``Image``. - To delete annotations except for the tags that are in a specific namespace, use ``Delete2`` with a ``ChildOption``'s ``excludeType`` set to ``TagAnnotation`` and ``includeNs`` set to that namespace. :source:` ` includes the ``translateOptions`` method that may give additional insight on how to translate the previous style of option. This method too will be removed in OMERO 5.3. Examples in Python ------------------ Move images ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python chgrps = DoAll() chgrps.requests = [Chgrp(type="/Image", id=n, grp=5) for n in [1,2,3]] sf.submit(chgrps) becomes, .. code-block:: python chgrp = Chgrp2(targetObjects={'Image': [1,2,3]}, groupId=5) sf.submit(chgrp) Delete plate, but not annotations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python keepAnn = {"/Annotation": "KEEP"} delete = Delete(type="/Plate", id=8, options=keepAnn) sf.submit(delete) becomes, .. code-block:: python keepAnn = [ChildOption(excludeType=['Annotation'])] delete = Delete2(targetObjects={'Plate': [8]}, childOptions=keepAnn) sf.submit(delete) Delete an image's rendering settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python delete = Delete(type="/Image/Pixels/RenderingDef", id=6) sf.submit(delete) becomes, .. code-block:: python anchor = {'Image': [6]} targets = ['RenderingDef'] delete = SkipHead(targetObjects=anchor, startFrom=targets, request=Delete2()) sf.submit(delete) Java request factory -------------------- A utility class :source:` ` provides convenient instantiation of graph requests. This class allows the requests from the above Python examples to be created by, .. code-block:: java // move images Chgrp2 example1 = Requests.chgrp("Image", Arrays.asList(1L,2L,3L), 5L); // delete plate, but not annotations ChildOption childOption = Requests.option(null, "Annotation"); Delete2 example2 = Requests.delete("Plate", 8L, childOption); // delete an image's rendering settings SkipHead example3 = Requests.skipHead("Image", 6L, "RenderingDef", new Delete2());