TeiiD & Mode Shape

Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:58 pm
by VirtualDataBase
Hello all... noob to the group... Wondering if anyone has taken a look at TeiiD and/or Mode Shape in conjunction with OME? I believe it would offer some complimentary features to more empower the overall purpose. I am not a Java developer but would love to work with anyone that sees value and wants some insight on what "intersect" code would be useful and why. Thanks
Re: TeiiD & Mode Shape

Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:51 am
by jmoore
Hi Tom,
none of the OME team has yet to investigate TeiiD (and I couldn't find a URL for Mode shape), though we're certainly aware of several use cases which would benefit from this type of infrastructure. If you want to spell out how you would like to see it used, we would certainly be happy to keep that in mind.
Thanks for pointing these out to us!