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Attaching a File without Annotations

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:30 pm
by icaoberg
I want to add a file to omero without making an annotation to any omero structure. I am aware that if I do this, users won't be able to "see" the attached file. But that is what I am looking for. I want to create a temporary file and add it to omero so that I can retrieve it using the API. Is this possible? I am aware to some degree that I can. But, is this recommendable? Do you have any other suggestions?

Re: Attaching a File without Annotations

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:04 pm
by jmoore
Hi Ivan

as mentioned in the other thread, the method that you need is `IAdmin.moveToCommonSpace`. It's currently used in IAdmin.uploadMyUserPhoto. There's also a test demonstrating the functionality named

What it does is put the object (in this case your OriginalFile) into the "user" group so that all users can see it.

Does that sound like what you need?