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error script

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Re: error script

Postby chettia02 » Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:33 am

c:\omero_dist>bin\omero admin ice "server enable Processor-0"

c:\omero_dist>bin\omero admin diagnostics


OMERO Diagnostics 4.3.4-dbcbce5a-b4

Commands: java -version 1.6.0 (C:\Windows\system32\java.E
Commands: python -V 2.5.5 (C:\Python25\python.EXE)
Commands: icegridnode --version 3.3.1 (C:\Ice-3.3.1\bin\icegridno
Commands: icegridadmin --version 3.3.1 (C:\Ice-3.3.1\bin\icegridad
Commands: psql --version not found

Server: icegridnode running
Server: Blitz-0 active (pid = 2704, enabled)
Server: DropBox inactive (disabled)
Server: FileServer inactive (disabled)
Server: Indexer-0 active (pid = 2904, enabled)
Server: MonitorServer inactive (disabled)
Server: OMERO.Glacier2 active (pid = 2948, enabled)
Server: OMERO.IceStorm active (pid = 2840, enabled)
Server: PixelData-0 active (pid = 2860, enabled)
Server: Processor-0 inactive (disabled)
Server: Tables-0 inactive (disabled)
Server: TestDropBox inactive (enabled)

Log dir: c:\omero_dist\var\log exists

Log files: Blitz-0.log 159.0 MB errors=955 warnings=42
Log files: DropBox.log n/a
Log files: FileServer.log n/a
Log files: Indexer-0.log 400.0 KB errors=9 warnings=12

Log files: MonitorServer.log n/a
Log files: OMEROweb.log 1.0 MB errors=740 warnings=11
Log files: PixelData-0.log 258.0 KB errors=8 warnings=12

Log files: Processor-0.log n/a
Log files: Tables-0.log n/a
Log files: TestDropBox.log n/a
Log files: master.err 0.0 KB
Log files: master.out 0.0 KB
Log files: Total size 161.65 MB

Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:904] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:1362] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:3586] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:5799] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:5920] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:15728] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:35181] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:35426] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:50744] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:51166] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:72416] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:130469] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:142580] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:147503] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:244177] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:280780] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:299466] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:462074] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:462456] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:547109] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:636599] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:636720] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:637241] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:637362] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:637483] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:637605] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:637726] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:1083758] => Server restarted <=

\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Ice-3.3.1\bin;C:\Program Fi
les (x86)\Common Files\Acronis\SnapAPI\;C:\Python25\;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Wind

OMERO data dir: 'C:\\OMERO' Exists? True Is writable? True
OMERO.web status... DEVELOPMENT: You will have to check status by hand!
Posts: 113
Joined: Thu May 24, 2012 8:24 am

Re: error script

Postby chettia02 » Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:29 am

solution plz ??
Posts: 113
Joined: Thu May 24, 2012 8:24 am

Re: error script

Postby jmoore » Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:27 am

None of your Python processes are running. Could you possibly show us how you configured PYTHONPATH? Did you configure it as a user variable or a system variable? You might also want to look in the Windows Event Viewer to see what the error message is.

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Location: Germany

Re: error script

Postby chettia02 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:39 am

I configured PYTHONPATH as a user variable
Posts: 113
Joined: Thu May 24, 2012 8:24 am

Re: error script

Postby cblackburn » Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:00 am


PYTHONPATH needs to be a system variable. There are details of how to set it correctly on our website,


Remember to use the correct path for your system and to restart.

Posts: 85
Joined: Mon May 25, 2009 9:03 pm

Re: error script

Postby chettia02 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:05 am


I'm going to do and I tell you the result

Posts: 113
Joined: Thu May 24, 2012 8:24 am

Re: error script

Postby chettia02 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:16 am

I changed the configuration of PYTHONPATH a system variable and I restared the server what do I do now

Posts: 113
Joined: Thu May 24, 2012 8:24 am

Re: error script

Postby jmoore » Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:20 am

Show us the output of bin\omero admin diagnostics again.
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Location: Germany

Re: error script

Postby cblackburn » Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:22 am

Have you also restarted the computer? If you have set the variable, restarted your computer, restarted the server then you should be able to use the script you were trying to use. If you still have a problem please send the diagnostics again.

Posts: 85
Joined: Mon May 25, 2009 9:03 pm

Re: error script

Postby chettia02 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:24 am

c:\omero_dist>bin\omero admin diagnostics


OMERO Diagnostics 4.3.4-dbcbce5a-b4

Commands: java -version 1.6.0 (C:\Windows\system32\java.E
Commands: python -V 2.5.5 (C:\Python25\python.EXE)
Commands: icegridnode --version 3.3.1 (C:\Ice-3.3.1\bin\icegridno
Commands: icegridadmin --version 3.3.1 (C:\Ice-3.3.1\bin\icegridad
Commands: psql --version not found

Server: icegridnode running
Server: Blitz-0 active (pid = 2724, enabled)
Server: DropBox inactive (disabled)
Server: FileServer active (pid = 2796, enabled)
Server: Indexer-0 active (pid = 2804, enabled)
Server: MonitorServer inactive (disabled)
Server: OMERO.Glacier2 active (pid = 2832, enabled)
Server: OMERO.IceStorm active (pid = 2880, enabled)
Server: PixelData-0 active (pid = 2968, enabled)
Server: Processor-0 inactive (disabled)
Server: Tables-0 inactive (disabled)
Server: TestDropBox inactive (enabled)

Log dir: c:\omero_dist\var\log exists

Log files: Blitz-0.log 162.0 MB errors=1006 warnings=42
Log files: DropBox.log 0.0 KB errors=2 warnings=0

Log files: FileServer.log 0.0 KB
Log files: Indexer-0.log 407.0 KB errors=9 warnings=12

Log files: MonitorServer.log 1.0 KB errors=2 warnings=0

Log files: OMEROweb.log 1.0 MB errors=811 warnings=11
Log files: PixelData-0.log 263.0 KB errors=8 warnings=12

Log files: Processor-0.log n/a
Log files: Tables-0.log n/a
Log files: TestDropBox.log n/a
Log files: master.err 0.0 KB
Log files: master.out 0.0 KB
Log files: Total size 164.99 MB

Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:904] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:1362] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:3586] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:5799] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:5920] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:15728] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:35181] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:35426] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:50744] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:51166] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:72416] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:130469] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:142580] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:147503] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:244177] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:280780] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:299466] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:462074] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:462456] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:547109] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:636599] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:636720] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:637241] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:637362] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:637483] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:637605] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:637726] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:1083758] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:1103837] => Server restarted <=
Parsing Blitz-0.log:[line:1103958] => Server restarted <=


OMERO data dir: 'C:\\OMERO' Exists? True Is writable? True
OMERO.web status... DEVELOPMENT: You will have to check status by hand!

Posts: 113
Joined: Thu May 24, 2012 8:24 am


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