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Multiple XY dataset not interpreted correctly

Historical discussions about the Bio-Formats library. Please look for and ask new questions at https://forum.image.sc/tags/bio-formats
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Historical discussions about the Bio-Formats library. Please look for and ask new questions at https://forum.image.sc/tags/bio-formats

If you are having trouble with image files, there is information about reporting bugs in the Bio-Formats documentation. Please send us the data and let us know what version of Bio-Formats you are using. For issues with your code, please provide a link to a public repository, ideally GitHub.

Multiple XY dataset not interpreted correctly

Postby davemason » Tue Jul 08, 2014 1:44 pm

Hi OME team,

I'm running into problems with data from a Zeiss 780 when users take multiple XY positions. The Zen software saves a single lsm file with all the XY stacks.

When uploading into OMERO, the XY points are successfully separated into the images but the stacks are mangled, with wrong frames in the stack or a portion of one channel in the wrong place.
omero.JPG (41.29 KiB) Viewed 3021 times

This also happens in Fiji, with and without SCIFIO (which doesn't recognise the multiple XY positions). The closest I have come is to turn off SCIFIO, then open the stack with ImageJ (IE NOT bioformats) which gives me a concatenated stack that still has a few disrupted images (the first few images of each stack except the first one).
Image.JPG (35.66 KiB) Viewed 3021 times

Happy to upload an example (~4.5GB). Any thoughts appreciated as always.


Dave Mason
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Re: Multiple XY dataset not interpreted correctly

Postby mlinkert » Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:59 pm

Hi Dave,

Which version of Bio-Formats/OMERO are you using? If you see this problem with 5.0.2, then it would be helpful to have an example file - I will send information on how to upload the file in a private message.

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Re: Multiple XY dataset not interpreted correctly

Postby davemason » Tue Jul 08, 2014 3:42 pm

Hi Melissa,

Thanks for the quick reply, my server is OMERO 5.0.2-ice34-b26 and I'm using Fiji running 5.0.2-DEV (revision 607705e).

I'm in the process of uploading a data set and will be interested to see what you make of it.


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Re: Multiple XY dataset not interpreted correctly

Postby mlinkert » Thu Jul 10, 2014 2:12 am

Hi Dave,

Thank you very much for uploading a dataset. We now have a proposed fix:


I would expect that to be included in the upcoming 5.0.3 release of Bio-Formats/OMERO.

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Re: Multiple XY dataset not interpreted correctly

Postby davemason » Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:18 am


Thanks for looking into that. Quick question;

If the fix is incorporated and I update the OMERO server to 5.0.3 in August, will data already uploaded then open correctly? I'm not sure whether bioformats comes into play every time an image is opened or only upon upload.

Presumably the thumbnails will remain incorrect as they're created upon upload. If there someway to refresh the thumbnails other than deleting and re-uploading the data?


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Re: Multiple XY dataset not interpreted correctly

Postby mlinkert » Fri Jul 11, 2014 3:06 pm

Hi Dave,

If the fix is incorporated and I update the OMERO server to 5.0.3 in August, will data already uploaded then open correctly? I'm not sure whether bioformats comes into play every time an image is opened or only upon upload.

Files that have already been uploaded should open correctly without needing to be reimported.

Presumably the thumbnails will remain incorrect as they're created upon upload. If there someway to refresh the thumbnails other than deleting and re-uploading the data?

The easiest way I can think of is to right-click the image in Insight, and select "Rendering Settings > Reset and Save". Right-clicking the name of the image in left-hand tree in OMERO.web and selecting "Rendering Settings > Set Owner's" may have a similar effect, though someone else may have an idea of a more efficient way to do that.

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