Release of Bio-Formats C++ 5.1.4

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of Bio-Formats C++ 5.1.4 binary builds and ome-cmake-superbuild package

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Today we have released the binary builds of Bio-Formats C++ 5.1.4, together with the ome-cmake-superbuild package used for building Bio-Formats C++ and its dependencies on Windows and other platforms. This is a new package split out from the Bio-Formats sources, which may be used to build the libraries required by Bio-Formats such as zlib, bzip2, icu, boost, libtiff and xerces-c.

The major goal of this release was porting Bio-Formats C++ to Microsoft Windows, initially supporting Visual Studio 2013 (VS2013). This goal was realised, with Bio-Formats 5.1.4 (released on 07/09/15) being buildable with both VS2013 and also with VS2012. The CMake Super-Build released today works with VS2013 with the “Visual Studio 12 2013” (msbuild) generator; work has been done to support additional versions of Visual Studio and additional generators, which will be completed in subsequent releases.

See archived downloads for links to the source releases, documentation and API reference, and binary builds for a number of platforms which now include Windows with VS2013.

Bio-Formats Windows portability changes:

Additional Bio-Formats changes:

CMake Super-Build components:

CMake Super-Build changes:

The software release is available at archived downloads.

For any problems or comments, please use the OME Forums or mailing lists.

October 6, 2015

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