
New releases and other announcements

July 12, 2021

Release of OMERO.insight 5.6.1

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of OMERO.insight 5.6.1

July 01, 2021

Release of OMERO.insight 5.6.0

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of OMERO.insight 5.6.0

June 21, 2021

Release of OMERO.insight 5.5.19

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of OMERO.insight 5.5.19

March 24, 2021

Release of Bio-Formats 6.6.1

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of Bio-Formats 6.6.1

March 17, 2021

Release of OMERO.web 5.9.0

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of OMERO.web 5.9.0

December 15, 2020

Release of Bio-Formats 6.6.0

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of Bio-Formats 6.6.0

December 01, 2020

OME-Zarr HCS specification (Dec. 2020)

November 04, 2020

Public OME-Zarr data (Nov. 2020)

October 01, 2020

Release of OMERO.server 5.6.3

July 16, 2020

Release of OMERO.server 5.6.2 and OMERO.web 5.7.0

This release includes OMERO.server 5.6.2, OMERO.web 5.7.0, 5.7.1 and OMERO.iviewer 0.10.0

You can find details of earlier releases in the documentation for the product you're interested in

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