
New releases and other announcements

May 09, 2016

Release of Bio-Formats 5.1.10

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of Bio-Formats 5.1.10

April 26, 2016

Release of OME Files C++ 0.1.1

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of OME Files C++ 0.1.1

April 20, 2016

OMERO training workshops at University of Cambridge UK

Registration is now open for the following two OMERO training workshops, which will take place at the University of Cambridge, UK.

April 18, 2016

Release of OMERO.figure 1.2.1

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of OMERO.figure 1.2.1.

April 18, 2016

Release of Bio-Formats 5.1.9

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of Bio-Formats 5.1.9

April 11, 2016

Release of OME Files C++ 0.1.0

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of OME Files C++ 0.1.0

March 22, 2016

Windows support update

February 29, 2016

Release of OMERO 5.2.2

The OME team is pleased to announce the release of OMERO 5.2.2

February 18, 2016

Letters of support for Bio-Formats development and extensions

We need your support to future-proof Bio-Formats

February 18, 2016

Image Data Repository (IDR) project update

A webinar by Prof Jason Swedlow

You can find details of earlier releases in the documentation for the product you're interested in

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